2023年2月21日 星期二

五分鐘英語練習- 045


五分鐘英語練習 (045)
"Five minutes English practice" (045)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

Let’s get started.


English Sentence Structure - 英文活用句型

【英文活用句型 (001)

Do you have this shirt in stock?

  • stock [stɑːk] n. 庫存
dividend [ˈdɪvɪdend] n. 紅利;股息;被除數

字根:vide = vid
1. = separate,表示 "分開"
2. = see,表示 "看、查"

= separate,"分離、分開"

表 "名詞" ,例如:friend


Do you have this shirt in stock?
Sorry! We are out of stock!
對不起! 我們沒貨了!

The stock market has either soared or plummeted these days.
It's like roller coaster !

soar [sɔːr] v. 猛增;驟升

soar verb (RISE QUICKLY)
to rise very quickly to a high level


The word "sore" is familiar to us, but the word soar is quite unknown.
"sore" 這個字,我們耳熟能詳,但對 "soar" 卻相當生疏。

Main Difference – Sore vs. Soar
Sore and soar are homophones: they have the same pronunciation, but different meanings. 
The main difference between sore and soar is that sore refers to aches, pains and wounds in the body whereas soar refers to the act of flying high in the air or rising rapidly. 
sore 和 soar 之間的主要區別在於,sore 是指身體的疼、痛和傷口,而 soar 是指在空中高飛或快速上升的動作。
In addition, sore is a noun or an adjective while soar is a verb.
此外,sore 是一個名詞或形容詞,而 soar 是一個動詞。

【sore and soar example sentences】

① ache :通常作名詞,時間長,強度低,可以忍受。
② pain :通常作名詞,時間短,強度高,很難忍受。
③ hurt :通常作動詞,表義較廣泛。
④ sore :通常作形容詞,因 "使用過度" 而引發,時間較長,強度不高,可以忍受。

He was suffering from foot aches after hours of walking.
He had foot pain after hours on foot.
His feet hurt after hours of walking.
His feet were sore after hours of walking.

上述四句都在講同一件事 - 就是:「他腳痛」。但「痛」用字不一,不但暗示「痛」的時間長短和「痛」的強度高低;也顯示「痛」的各種詞性及其各自的句型結構。總結如下:

① ache:通常作名詞,時間長,強度低,可以忍受。
② pain:通常作名詞,時間短,強度高,很難忍受。
③ hurt:通常作動詞,表義較廣泛。
④ sore:通常作形容詞,因 "使用過度" 而引發,時間較長,強度低,可以忍受。

plummet [ˈplʌmɪt] v. 垂直落下;驟然跌落
plummet (verb) (descend rapidly)
fall or drop straight down at high speed