2022年12月11日 星期日

英語聽力練習 - 91

"English Listening Practice" (91)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

Talking about rumors. 談論謠言。

Hey Victor, have you finished our monthly financial report?


Not yet, Amy. 還沒有,艾咪。

But I'm working my butt for it. 但我正在為此努力。

Yes, you really should be. 是的,你真的應該如此。

Boss will not like hearing the news of the unfinished worked.


Aaiz, poor my life! 哎呀,可憐我的生活!

How have you been doing recently, Victor? 你最近過得怎麼樣,維克多?

You seem... depressed and moody. 你似乎... 沮喪和喜怒無常。

I am so bored. It's like I am watching paint dry.

我很無聊。 就像我在看著油漆變乾一樣。

Ohh no I actually really love watching paint dry.


I should have been a painter instead. 我應該成為一名畫家。

Oh, now you are saying. 哦,你說對了(這就對了)。

If I had chosen that career path, I could properly be famous now.


2000 dollars, $2500. 2000 美元!2500 美元

No one is paying higher? 沒有人付更高的價錢嗎?

Going once, going twice. sold. 一次,兩次。 賣出。

So the $2500 painting by famous artist Victor will belong to this lady.

所以這幅價值 2500 美元的著名藝術家 Victor 的畫作將屬於這位女士。

Thank you. Thank you. 謝謝妳。 謝謝妳。

Hey, victor. Victor. 嘿,維克多。維克多

You need to stop daydreaming. 你需要停止做白日夢。

Our boss is coming in no time. 老闆馬上就要來了。

Amy, you know what? 艾咪,你知道嗎?

I think I will quit this job and follow my truest desire.


Victor. 維克多

Hey, Phoebe, have you heard the news? 嘿,菲比,你聽到這個消息了嗎?

What's news? 有什麼消息?

Everyone is talking about it. 每個人都在談論它。

Victor, the accountant guy, has been promoted to be the chief accountant.


Chief accountant. 總會計師。

I heard he's promoted to be our manager. 我聽說他被提拔為我們的經理。

But he rejected the offer. 但他拒絕了這個提議。

Oh, that's such a surprise. 哦,這真是個驚奇。

Why did he refuse that golden opportunity?


I heard that Victor's father is a millionaire. 我聽說維克多的父親是百萬富翁。

The father was also a very well known painter, so he taught Victor drawing and painting. 這位父親也是一位很有名的畫家,所以他教維克多畫畫。

The family is really wealthy. 這個家庭真的很有錢。

But the father wanted Victor to experience living like a normal worker.


People said that was the last wish before the death of Victor's father.


Oh gosh, I sensed something fishy about Victor.


He always seemed to be asleep and quiet.


Yes, because he just works to fulfill his father's last wishes.


Oh, there goes Amy. 哦,艾咪來了。

She's really close with Victor. 她和維克多很親近。

Let's ask her.讓我們問問她。 Oh my gosh. 哦,天啊。

I don't even know what you are talking about. 我甚至不知道你們在胡說什麼。

Rumors flew, but they were untrue. 謠言滿天飛,但它們是不真實的。

Victor's father is not a millionaire. 維克多的父親不是百萬富翁。

That is not what I heard of. 這不是我聽說過的。

And Victor wasn't promoted. 維克多沒有晉升。

My boss just thought. He might be more suitable in the marketing department.

我的老闆只是想。 他可能更適合市場部門。

Victor is very good at creating beautiful products.
