2022年12月10日 星期六

英語聽力練習 - 90

"English Listening Practice" (90)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

Unit 1 Buying an old car. 買一輛舊車

They want to buy a seven-seated car. So they sold this one to us.

他們想買一輛七人座。 所以他們把這輛賣給了我們。

I think it was used for around five years. The condition is pretty mint.

我記得它使用了大約五年。 狀況像新的。

Do you know if it was in any accidents before?


From what the former owner shared, 從前任車主的份額來看,

No. 沒有。

It has not been in any serious accidents before, 之前沒有出過什麼大事故,

but it did have a fender bender once.


Nothing serious in my opinion, 在我看來沒什麼嚴重的,

but it did leave a small scratch near the car's tail light.


You can see it here. 你可以在這裡看到它。

Ohh, it does not look too bad. We can get it fixed right.

哦,看起來沒什麼。 我們可以把它修好。

Of course, this one can be handled by any auto repair shop.


Our garage can help you find ones at a cheap price.


Thank you for that. I have another question. 謝謝你。 我有另一個問題。

Was this car frequently used in the past? 這輛車過去經常使用嗎?

I think not every day. 我想他不是每一天都開。

This person usually commuted by train to work.


So his family only used this car for trips to the mall or far places.


It was used like once or twice a week, which was around 100 miles a week.

它每週使用一次或兩次,每周大約 100 英里。

Have the former owner changed the timing belt 原車主以前換過正時皮帶

and water pump for this car before. 和水泵嗎?

Yes, they did it once last year. 是的,他們去年換過一次。

Ohh I forgot to ask how much is it? 哦,我忘了問這輛車多少錢?

We sell it for $2000. 我們以 2000 美元的價格出售它。

Hmm, not too bad. I like this one. 嗯,還不錯。 我喜歡這

Liz, what do you think? 麗茲,你看法如何?

I like it too, dad. 我也喜歡,爸爸。

Great, then we have decided to buy this car.


Perfect. 完美。

We recommend you bring it to an auto repair shop for checking


and fixing before actually driving the car.並在實際駕駛汽車之前進行修理。

You can visit the shop called Max Repair. 您可以到《Max Repair》這家店。

All of our customers go to this shop for renovating their car.


Thank you for the recommendation. 謝謝你的推薦。

OK. Now we will proceed with the paperwork inside.

好的。 現在我們將繼續到裡面處理文書工作

Please come with me.請跟我來。

OK. Thank you, Tim. 好的。 謝謝你,蒂姆。

Welcome to Max Repair auto shop. 歡迎來到《Max Repair》汽車商店。

How can I help you? 我怎麼幫你?

Hi I just bought a used car and I want to check and repaint it.


Sure, what's the problem? 當然可以,有什麼問題嗎?

There's a small scratch next to the car's left tail light.


Can you see it? 你能看見它嗎?

Hmm. I want to get it to repaint and fix.

唔。 我想讓它重新粉刷和修復。

Ohh I can see it no problem. 哦,我可以看到它,沒問題。

Oh and also 哦,還有...

can you give my car an overall check 你能給我的車做全面檢查嗎?

and see if there is anything that needs to be changed?


Sure, I can do that, but it will take a while.


Can you come back after around an hour? 你能大約一個小時後回來嗎?

Yes, no problem.好的沒有問題。

Great. Can you leave your number so I can call you when everything is done?

太好了。 你能留下你的電話號碼嗎,這樣我就可以在一切都完成後給你打電話?

Yes, my number is 0912345678.是的,我的號碼是 0912345678。

OK. Thank you. Just leave it to me, don't worry.


After an hour. 一個小時後。

Hi, I received your call and I came back to check my car.


Was there any serious problems? 有什麼嚴重的問題嗎?

No, not at all. 沒有,一點也沒問題。

I have fixed the scratch. 我已經修復了刮痕

I have also changed the two front tires as well.


They looked a bit worn out. 它們看起來有點磨耗。

The car is also washed. Does it look like a shiny new car now?


It really does. Thank you so much. 確實如此。非常感謝。

You can have a short ride, then come back and tell me if everything goes smoothly.


OK. How was it? 那麼。試乘的怎麼樣?

The ride was smooth. I think there is no problem at all.


Then that's great. 那就太好了。

How much is it? 多少錢?

Oh, the scratch costs around $45.00. The two tires cost $100.


Your total is 145 dollars. 總數是 145 美元。

You forgot to include the car wash. 你忘了包括洗車。

Oh, that one is on me. It is free. You don't have to worry about it.


Thank you so much. Here are $145. 非常感謝。這是 145 美元。

Thank you. Come back anytime if you have any problems. 
