2022年10月17日 星期一

英語聽力練習 - 41

"English Listening Practice" (41)


used to 

'Used to' refers to the usual habit of the past, which is used in the following sentence constructions: subject + used to + original verb

'Used to' 指過去通常的習慣,使用時採用下列句構:
主詞 + used to + 原形動詞

for examples

I used to collect stamps but I don't anymore.

When I was younger, I used to play tennis quite well.

to be used to

'To be used to' 片語中的 'used' 為形容詞,表 「習慣的」。之後的 to 為介系詞,表「針對」。因此整個片語有「針對...已成習慣」的意思。
而 to 之後必須接名詞或動名詞作受詞。

for examples

John is used to living in the country.
= John is used to country life.

I'm a teacher so I'm used to speaking in public.

to be used to

'To be used to' 片語尚有第二種意義',此時 'used' 是 'use' 的被動語態,to 是不定詞,後面加原型動詞。此時該片語表達某物品的用途」。
【例句】The clock is used to tell time. 時鐘是用來報時的。

for examples

That special pair of scissors is used to cut carpets.

Coffee grounds can be used to get rid of the bad smell in the refrigerator.咖啡渣可以用來去除冰箱裡的臭味。

to get used to

To get used to' 這個片語中的 get 就等於 become,但使用時仍應用  get,指「漸漸習慣於某事」。

for examples

got used to waking up early in the morning.


After a while he didn't mind the noise in the office; he got used to it.
過了一會兒,他不再介意辦公室裡的嘈雜聲, 他已經習慣了。