2022年9月8日 星期四

英語聽力練習 - 8

《英語聽力練習》 (8)

What does a dentist do to a bad tooth?

(A) take it off
(B) take it out
(C) take it away
(D) take it over


I’m going to tell you four different ways of using the phrasal verb take off.

First, we use take off to describe removing clothing.
It’s really hot here, so I’m going to take off my jumper.
You can also separate take and off and say “take my jumper off“.

Second, we use take off to describe something becoming successful.
I’m going to be rich. 
My business has taken off.

Third, we use take off to describe not going to work.
I’m going to take a day off work tomorrow.

Fourth, we use take off to describe depart from the ground.
 “Take off” is when the plane leaves the ground and begins to rise into the air.
The plane will take off on time. 
The plane takes off in 45 minutes.

So, we can say take off my jumper, or take my jumper off, my business has taken off, the plane will take off , and lastly take a day off.
I’m going to tell you four different ways of using the phrasal verb take off.

First, we use take off to describe removing clothing(脫衣服).
It’s really hot here, so I’m going to take off my jumper.
You can also separate take and off and say “take my jumper off“.

Second, we use take off to describe something becoming successful(某事變得成功).
I’m going to be rich. 
My business has taken off.

Third, we use take off to describe not going to work(不去上班).
I’m going to take a day off work tomorrow.

Fourth, we use take off to describe depart from the ground(離開地面).
 “Take off” is when the plane leaves the ground and begins to rise into the air.
The plane will take off on time. 
The plane takes off in 45 minutes.

So, we can say take off my jumper, or take my jumper off, my business has taken off, the plane will take off , and lastly take a day off.
Hi, this is Kee from BBC Learning English. Today, I’m going to tell you three different ways of using the phrasal verb take off.
First, we use take off to describe removing clothing(脫衣服).
It’s really hot here, so I’m going to take off my jumper(穿在襯衣外的套頭衫).
You can also separate take and off and say “take my jumper off“.
Second, we use take off to describe something becoming successful (某事變得成功).
I’m going to be rich. My business has taken off.
Third, we use take off to describe not going to work(不去上班).
I’m going to take a day off work tomorrow.
So, we can say take off my jumper, or take my juper off, my business has taken off, and lastly take a day off.

‘Take off’ is a phrasal verb. This means it is a verb (take) followed by a particle (off). Phrasal verbs are tricky because they can have many different meanings depending on the context.
「Take off」 是一個動詞片語,它由動詞 「take」 和助詞 「off」 組成。動詞片語的用法較難,因為它們的意思可能會隨著語境的變化而發生改變。

1. Remove clothing
Take off can mean remove clothing. With this use, take off is separable. This means that the item of clothing can go between the verb and the particle.
「Take off」 可以表示 「脫衣服」。在表達這個意思時,動詞片語 「take off」 可以被分開,即:動詞 take + 衣物的名稱 + 助詞 off 。It’s warm here. I’m going to take off my jumper.
It’s warm here. I’m going to take my jumper off.
Please take off your shoes when you come inside.
Please take your shoes off when you come inside.

2. Something becoming successful
Take off can also mean become successful, especially suddenly.
「Take off」 還可以表示 「突然變得成功,開始走紅」。I’m going to be rich. My business has taken off.
I never liked his music, but it’s taken off quite recently. Everyone is listening to it.

3. Not go to work
Take off can be used with a time word to mean have time away from work.
「Take off」 可以與表示時間的詞語搭配使用,表示 「休假,不上班」。I’m going to take a day off work tomorrow
She asked to take a week off next month for a holiday.

插入語指的是: "插在句子中的一個詞、短語或句子",其作用是用來補充含義,或解釋說明。插入語獨立性強,一般用標點符號將其與其他句子成分隔開。在句中與其他部分沒有語法上的聯繫,將它刪掉之後,句子結構仍然完整。

片語動詞(Phrasal Verbs [ˈfreɪzl vɜrbz]):



The old lady passed away peacefully


動詞 pass 加上副詞 away 形成片語動詞 pass away (去世) 與原來動詞 pass (通過) 意義不同。 pass away 當不及物動詞看待,後面另一個副詞 peacefully (安詳地) 修飾片語動詞 pass away。


He asked me to look after his daughter while he was away.


動詞 look 加上介系詞 after 形成片語動詞 look after (照顧) 與原來動詞 look (看) 意義不同。 look after 當及物動詞看待,後面可以有受詞 his daughter。

不定詞片語 (Infinitive Phrase)

不定詞片語 (Infinitive Phrase [ɪnˈfɪnɪtɪv freɪz]是由不定詞和相關的受詞、補語或修飾語所形成。不定詞片語具有名詞形容詞、或副詞的功能。


從屬子句是以從屬連接詞關係代名詞起頭,它如同一般子句,既有主詞又有動詞的字群。從屬子句無法表達完整的思維,它不能單獨存在。從屬子句又稱為附屬子句 — 意謂著它必須依附在其他獨立子句,才能表達完整的思維。

從屬子句依其在句子裡所扮演的功能,基本上又可歸納為名詞子句關係子句 、和副詞子句

當這婦人讀了這封信時,... 然後呢?她喜出望外,還是傷心欲絕?因為它不能表達完整的思維,顯然不是一個完整的句子。如果加入一個獨立子句 "her eyes welled up with tears." 那就形成一個漂亮的句子(複句)。

When the woman read the letter, her eyes welled up with tears.


"well" 當動詞解釋時有「(液體慢慢地)湧出」的意思。
"welled up with tears" - 熱淚盈眶。


Where there is smoke, there is fire.



Jane is reading the book that I bought for her.

Jane 正在讀我買給她的書。


Poverty, _______ it means a daily fight for subsistence, is humankind's natural state.

(A) as long as (B) as soon as (C) insofar as (D) just as


從屬連接詞 "insofar as" - “到…的程度,在...範圍內”。

Corporations are not hiring. Because consumers are not spending.
Corporations are not hiring because consumers are not spending.

從屬子句 "Because consumers are not spending" 不能單獨存在。我們把兩句合併為一句:
Corporations are not hiring because consumers are not spending.
Because consumers are not spending, corporations are not hiring.





I always buy name brand clothes that are cheap.


先行詞 clothes 是複數, 關係代名詞 that 用複數動詞 are。
這裡的關係子句 "that are cheap" 是限定用法。拿掉限定性的關係子句,會失去句子的核心意義。

The woman who lives by the lake is my aunt.


woman - "女人" 是一般的名詞。關係子句(形容詞子句) "who lives by the lake" 強調住在湖邊的那個女人,它是一種限定用法。

_______ thought of that idea is an idiot.

(A) Whoever (B) Whomever (C) whichever


關係子句 "Whoever thought of that idea" 也是個名詞子句,作主詞用。

You may invite _______ you like to the party.

(A) whomever (B) whoever (C) whichever


whomever = any one whom,複合關係代名詞 whomever 結合先行詞 any one 與關係代名詞 whom。
You may invite any one whom you like to the party.



The scandal, which was first reported by Reuters, allegedly spans seven years.


關係子句"which was first reported by Reuters"被嵌入於主要子句內,前後須有逗號「,」隔開。

Professor Chen, who is my uncle, teaches English at this college.


Professor Chen - "陳教授",已經明確指出其人,關係子句(從屬子句)"who is my uncle" 已削弱它的影響力,它是非限定用法,拿掉它不會影響句子的核心意義。

Professor Chen, my uncle, teaches English at this college.

把上一句的 "who is" 拿掉,my uncle 變成 Professor Chen 的同位語,句子簡潔更漂亮。