2022年9月6日 星期二

英語聽力練習 - 7

《英語聽力練習》 (7)

wisdom meaning

the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments

Without wisdom a person cannot make the best decisions.


The great Tao flows and permeates everywhere indeed ; it influences all. All things rely on it to spawn and flourish, yet it does not proclaim itself to be so. It claims no credit in its accomplishments. Tao embraces and nurtures the physical beings of all but never claims to be their master.





【使役動詞 (Causative Verbs)】

使役動詞有 let、make、have、get 、help。這些動詞具有「使(某人)做(某事)」或「使(某事)發生」的意涵。

使役動詞 let

使役動詞 let 有「讓、允許」的意思。使役動詞 let 後面的動詞必須是動詞原式(不帶 to 的不定詞)。

let(允許) + 人事物 + 動詞原式

If you need any help, let me know.
(使役動詞 let 後面必須用動詞原式 know。)

If I finish my homework before eight o'clock, Mom will let me watch TV for one hour.
(使役動詞 let 後面必須用動詞原式 watch。)

較 let 更為正式的動詞是 allow,但 allow 後面必須跟著帶 to 的不定詞
If I finish my homework before eight o'clock, Mom will allow me to watch TV for one hour.

Will your boss let you leave early tomorrow?
(使役動詞 let 後面必須用動詞原式 leave。)

較 let 更為正式的動詞是 permit,但 permit 後面必須跟著帶 to 的不定詞
Will your boss permit you to leave early tomorrow?

註:上面三個例句的使役動詞 let 的受詞都是指「人」。
Don’t let your ambition ruin your life.
(使役動詞 let 後面必須用動詞原式 ruin。)

I shouldn’t let my emotion affect my decision.
(使役動詞 let 後面必須用動詞原式 affect。)

Let the steak rest for 5 minutes before slicing it.
切片前讓牛排靜置 5 分鐘。
(使役動詞 let 後面必須用動詞原式 rest。)

註:上面三個例句的使役動詞 let 的受詞都是指「事物」。

It’s good to let kids to fail sometimes.
It’s good to let kids fail sometimes.
(使役動詞 let 後面必須跟著不帶 to 的不定詞 fail。)

Let your conscience guides you.
Let your conscience guide you.
(使役動詞 let 後面必須用動詞原式 guide。)
let go
let go of + 受詞

1. 放開,鬆手
Hold on tight and don't let go!
Let go of my hand, you're hurting me!

2. 放下(不再想過去的某事或因之而惱怒)
She finds it hard to let go of a grudge.

《When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.》

What does that mean? 這意味著什麼?

It talks about being stuck in the past. What you are now is based on what has gone before. But if you stay where you are, you will find it difficult to reach your full potential. The quote says when they let go of what they are now, they give themselves the room necessary to grow into the person they could become.

This quote is all about taking risks, and about growth. It also mentions that you have to let go of what you are presently if you are to continue to grow. Like the caterpillar, you have to let go of what you are if you are to become a beautiful butterfly.

When you let go, you allow yourself to accept the changes in life. Sometimes life changes anyway, but to reach your full potential, you have to let go of your old limits, and those things that hold you in this place. They might be old beliefs, they might be old values, and they might be old places. Sometimes, moving to the next level is as much about what you gain as what you leave behind.

Why is embracing change important?
It’s not always easy to let go and embrace change, but it is necessary. As a child, you have to let go of your parents to go play with your friends. As a youth, you have to let go of your parents to go to school. As a young adult, you have to let go of your family and strike out on your own. In each case, you have to let go and embrace change, if you are to become all that you might be.

If you don’t embrace change, will you be able to, by yourself, stop progress? Unfortunately, the answer is yes, if the subject is your own changes. If you continue in a childish mindset, you can stop progress, but you will never become what you might be as an adult. Unfortunately, it’s such a common phenomenon, it has it’s own name, Arrested Development.

Where can I apply this in my life?
What in your life is ready for a change? What within you, or around you needs to be freshened up a bit? If you want to update the kitchen, you’re going to have to let go of the old layout, appliances, tile, or cabinets. In some cases, you’ll be willing to embrace this without hesitation. Other times, it may be a bit more trying.

Similarly, if you want to move on in your life, you may need to let go of some of what you think you are. I still think of myself as a bit of an introvert, but I’ve been stepping out from behind the label, as it is keeping me from what I might be. I’m not sure what that “might be” might be, but I know the introvert label and my belief in it is holding me back.

If we wish students to write spontaneously, we must give them opportunities to acquire confidence in their ability to write.