2007年3月22日 星期四

英英單字圖文記憶(081) - expression


expression [ɪkˈsprɛʃən]

The expression of ideas or feelings is the showing of them through words, actions, or artistic activities. 【表達、表述】
Your expression is the way that your face looks at a particular moment. It shows what you are thinking or feeling. 【表情、神情】

分解:前綴ex= out表示"""";字根press=press表示"擠壓"後綴sion表名詞。
分析:擠壓出來” = 表達。引伸為 表情神情

For example
Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion.
There was no expression on her face. 她臉上毫無表情。
"Shut up" is not a polite expression. "住口"不是有禮貌的話。
