2007年3月31日 星期六

英英單字圖文記憶(090) - elegant


elegant  [ˋɛləgənt]

If you describe a person or thing as elegant, you mean that they are pleasing and graceful in appearance or style. 典雅的

分解前綴e = out表示:"向外地"字根leg = choose=gather,表示:選擇好的聚集起來;【後綴ant,形容詞,表:"性質的"
分析elegant = 選擇好的向外地聚集起來;引伸為 典雅的

For example
Patricia looked beautiful and elegant as always.
Her writing was elegant.

2007年3月29日 星期四

英英單字圖文記憶(089) - opponent


opponent  [əˋponənt]

In a sporting contest, your opponent is the person who is playing against you. (體育競賽中的) 對手,競爭者
The opponents of an idea or policy do not agree with it and do not want it to be carried out. (觀點、政策等的) 反對者

分解前綴op = against表示:""字根pon = put,表示:放置;【後綴ent,名詞,表:""
分析opponent = 逆向放置的人;引伸為 對手,反對者

For example
He's the best opponent I've come across this season, a great player.
He became an outspoken opponent of the old Soviet system.      


2007年3月28日 星期三

英英單字圖文記憶(088) - inflexible


inflexible  [ɪnˋflɛksəbl]

Something that is inflexible cannot be altered in any way, even if the situation changes. 不可改變的
If you say that someone is inflexible, you are criticizing them because they refuse to change their mind or alter their way of doing things. 頑固的;僵化的

分解前綴in = not表示:"否定"字根flex = bend,表示:彎曲;【後綴ible = able to be,形容詞,表:"能夠"
分析inflexible = 不能夠彎曲的 =不可改變的;引伸為 頑固的;僵化的

For example
His opponents viewed him as stubborn, dogmatic, and inflexible.      
Workers insisted the new system was too inflexible.
Charles was a man of settled habits and inflexible routine.


英英單字圖文記憶(087) - conscience


conscience  [ˈkɑ:nʃəns]

Your conscience is the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is right or wrong. If you have a guilty conscience, you feel guilty about something because you know it was wrong. If you have a clear conscience, you do not feel guilty because you know you have done nothing wrong.良知

分解前綴con = together or all表示:"全部"字根sci = to know,表示:知道、了解;【後綴ence,名詞,表:"狀態、行為、特質"
分析conscience = 處於全部知道的狀態;引伸為 良知、道德心

For example
I'm so glad he had a pang of conscience. 我很高興他會有愧疚感。

2007年3月27日 星期二

英英單字圖文記憶(086) - subconscious


subconscious  [ˌsʌbˈkɑ:nʃəs]

Your subconscious is the part of your mind that can influence you or affect your behaviour even though you are not aware of it.潛意識的

分解前綴sub =under表示:"之下"前綴con = with表示:"具有"字根sci = to know,表示:知道、了解;【後綴ous,形容詞,表:"的性質"
分析conscious= 意識的subconscious=在意識之下的引伸為 潛意識的

For example
The memory of it all was locked deep in my subconscious.  關於它的一切記憶都深植於我的潛意識裡。


2007年3月26日 星期一

英英單字圖文記憶(085) - prescient


prescient  ['presɪrnt]

If you say that someone or something was prescient, you mean that they were able to know or predict what was going to happen in the future.【預知的;能預見未來的】

分解:前綴pre = before表示:"之前";字根sci = to know,表示:知道、了解;後綴ent = like,形容詞,表:""
分析像在之前就知道的引伸為 預知的

For example
It was a remarkably prescient vision.  這的確很有遠見。


2007年3月25日 星期日

英英單字圖文記憶(084) - conscious


conscious  [ˋkɑnʃəs]

If you are conscious of something, you notice it or realize that it is happening.【意識到】

分解:前綴con = with表示:"具有";字根sci = to know,表示:知道、了解;後綴ous,形容詞,表"的性質"
分析具有知道的性質引伸為 意識到

For example
I was not conscious of having made a mistake. 我沒意識到犯了錯誤。
