2005年7月2日 星期六

隨興英語(003) - a wake-up call

【隨興英語 - 003a wake-up call  – 敲響警鐘一記警鐘;叫醒電話】

We use it when we want to talk about an event which makes a person realize that they have to change some kind of negative behavior. Let me give you some ways to use it in sentences

I used to smoke, but when my friend died of lung cancer, it was really a wake-up call for me. I quit smoking very soon after that.【我以前抽煙,但是當我的朋友死於肺癌時,這真是一記警鐘。之後我很快就戒菸了.
My son has been lazy about studying, so he failed his last exam. I hope that will be a wake-up call for him.【我的兒子已經懶得學習,所以上次考試不及格。我希望這將是一個喚醒他的警鐘.