2022年12月20日 星期二

英語聽力練習 - 100

"English Listening Practice" (100)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

In the jewelry store. 在珠寶店。

Topic 1:A proposal ring. 主題 1:求婚戒指。

Good morning, Sir. Welcome to the LA jewelry store. 
早上好,先生。 歡迎來到洛杉磯珠寶店。
I'm Kevin, staff manager. What can I help you with? 
我是凱文,員工經理。 有什麼可以幫您?
Hello I want to buy ring. Could you give me some suggestions? 
你好,我想買戒指。 你能給我一些建議嗎?
Yes, Sir, could you please tell me your name? 
My name is Peter. 我的名字是彼得。
OK, Mr Peter. Do you want to buy a ring for yourself or for another person? 好的,彼得先生。您是想為自己還是為他人購買戒指?

Actually, I want to buy a ring to propose to my girlfriend. 
Oh, I see. 喔,我懂了。
Our store is currently including a variety of proposal rings for you.

What is the material of the ring you want? 
My girlfriend is really keen on platinum. 
Yes, please follow me to the guest room for platinum jewelry over here. 
Sir, you can choose the most suitable one for your girlfriend. 
Here are five of the latest items in our store. 
Or you can choose the best seller ring here. 
Hmm. These are really beautiful. 
Could you take this one for me please? I would like to see it closer. 
你能幫我拿這個嗎? 我想近距離看看。
This one. 這個。
Yes, please. 是的,請。
Here you are. 給你。
This ring was made of pure platinum with a .25 carat diamond on it.
這枚戒指由純鉑金製成,上面鑲嵌著一顆 0.25 克拉的鑽石。
We guarantee that your ring will keep this colour forever.
By the way, would you like to engrave your name and your girlfriend's name on the inside of the ring? 
We have a service to do it for free. 它是免費的服務。
Yes, I'd love to. 是的,我很樂意。
OK. I'll take this one. 好的。我要這個。
OK, I'll measure the finger size now. 好的,我現在就測量手指尺寸。
Have you brought this finger size of your girlfriend? 
Of course.當然。
Here please. 在這裡,請。
And your girlfriend's name is? 你女朋友的名字是?
She's Lana. 她是拉娜。
OK, we will engrave Peter and Lana, right? 
好的,我們將雕刻 Peter 和 Lana,對嗎?
Perfect. 完美。
All right. Please sit here and wait for a few minutes. 
好的。 請坐在這裡等幾分鐘。
We have tea and coffee. What would you like to drink? 
我們有茶和咖啡。 請問您想喝點什麼?
One coffee please.請給我一杯咖啡。

Here's your invoice. 這是您的發票。
Please check the invoice carefully to ensure that the price 
on the bill is the same one shown on the counter. 
You can pay in cash or buy card. 你可以付現或刷卡。
Ohh use my card. 哦,刷卡。
OK Sir, 好的,先生,
here is the diamond grading report to make sure that our diamond is authentic 
and here is your warranty card. 這是您的保證(修)卡。
Your rings are done. Here you are. 你的戒指完成了。給你。
So beautiful. I love it. 太美了。我喜歡。
Thank you for purchasing in our LA store. 感謝您在我們的洛杉磯商店惠顧。
We hope that you will have a lot of beautiful memories with our product. 
Have a good day, Sir.祝你有美好的一天,先生。

Topic 2:A gift for your wife. 主題 2:給妻子的禮物。

Honey, Do you like this necklace? 
親愛的。 你喜歡這條項鍊嗎? 
Hmm, looks fantastic, baby. 
Excuse me? 打擾一下?
How much is this one? 這個多少錢?
There's no price tag on this necklace. 這條項鍊沒有標價。
Sorry, Sir. Madam. 對不起,先生。 女士。
This necklace belongs to our latest collection called Celestine. 
這條項鍊屬於我們名為 Celestine 的最新系列。
And we have just displayed it today. 
It costs $299. 它的價格為 299 美元。
But if you buy at least three items from the collection, 
you will receive 10% off for all three of them. 
您將獲得所有這三個產品的 10% 折扣。
Oh, it sounds great. 哦,聽起來不錯。
I want to try bracelets and earrings as well.

Are they included in the collection? 
Yes, madam, our collection has them all. 
Please look at the screen right here. 請看這裡的螢幕。
You can look at this model. She is wearing all of the items in the Celestine collection. 
So beautiful. 太美了。
What do you think, honey? 你覺得怎麼樣,親愛的?
They are really elegant. 它們真的很優雅。
I'd love to see them all on you. 我很想在你身上看到它們。
Excuse me? Could my wife try all the items in this collection? 
打擾一下? 我的妻子可以嘗試這個系列中的所有項目嗎?
Absolutely, Sir. Please wait for a minute. I'll bring it out for you.
當然,先生。 請稍等。 我拿出來給你們。
Here you are. 這些就是了。
Does it look OK on me, honey? 親愛的,我戴上它們好看嗎?
You're gorgeous, baby. 你真漂亮,寶貝。
Hmm. 嗯。
I decided to buy them all because it's your birthday. 
Choose a size for my wife, please.

Thank you, Sir. 謝謝你,先生。
Because it's your wife's birthday. 因為今天是你妻子的生日。
And you're the 1st to buy the whole collection in my store. 
We'll give you 20% off as a gift. 
Ah, nice. Thank you for that. 很好。 謝謝你。
Honey, I am so touched right now. Oh, I love you. 
親愛的,我現在很感動。 哦,我愛你。
I love you too, baby. Always.我也愛你,寶貝。永遠。