2022年9月11日 星期日

英語聽力練習 - 16


【相關連接詞 - Correlation conjunctions

Correlation conjunctions are similar to equivalent conjunctions, and are also used to connect elements that are equivalent at both ends. The only difference is that correlative conjunctions must be used in pairs.



請記得,相關連接詞句中所連接前後的 A 和 B 兩個項目在文法上必須對等,如果 A 是名詞,B 也必須是名詞;如果 A 是子句,B 也必須是子句,依此類推。

either A or B

Either you or she are wrong.

對嗎?Is it right?

若 either A or B 所引導的主詞為名詞時,動詞必須隨 or 之後的 B 做單複數變化。
Either you or she is wrong.

neither… nor (既不… 且不)

neither A nor B 屬對等連接詞,意指「不是 A 也不是 B」或「A 和 B 兩者都不是或沒有」,專用在否定的狀況中,表示「兩者皆非」,後面都是接兩個對等的單字、片語或是子句。

I got neither the gift nor the card.

main points 1

若 neither A nor B 所引導的主詞為名詞時,動詞必須隨 nor 之後的 B 做單複數變化。
Neither the teacher nor the students were in the classroom yesterday.
老師和學生們昨天都不在教室裡。(動詞需配合後者主詞 the students

main points 2

需注意的是,neither … nor 本身就扮演否定的角色,若是誤用雙重否定(double negative)會改變整個句子原本要表達的語意,因此在使用的時候需要小心,否則會導致意思完全相反。

She can’t neither talk nor walk.(語意錯誤)
He could neither talk nor walk.

Nobody know who is in charge.
Nobody knows who is in charge.


We should see the other more often.
We should see each other more often.

相互代名詞 "each other" 表示兩個或兩個以上之間的每一個人的互動。

【相互代名詞 (Reciprocal Pronouns)】

相互代名詞指的是片語"each other" 和 "one another"。
傳統上,當論及兩個人或兩件事物時,用 each other;當論及多於兩個人或多於兩件事物時,用 one another。不過近代英文"each other" 和 "one another"通常可以互用。

Alex and Alice love each other.
"each other" 指 Alex 和 Alice 相互之間。

Anne and I helped each other become better tennis players.
兩個人用 “each other”。

Anne, Jane, and I helped one another become better tennis players.
三個人用 “one another”。

Mr. Liu teaches his students to treat one another with respect.
"one another" 指學生​​相互之間。

They worked together and encouraged each other.
They worked together and encouraged one another.
近代英文 "each other" 和 "one another" 通常可以互用。

Why are you always arguing with each other?
兩個人或兩個人以上可以用 "each other"。

相互代名詞 (Reciprocal Pronouns)

Bill and Ted ask each other for advice all the time.
Technology has made it very easy for people to find one another .
Jerry and Mary love each other .
The gangsters were fighting one another .
Both teams played hard against each other .

相互代名詞的所有格 each other's 和 one another's

Musicians often say they admire each other's work.

We know too much about one another's marriages.

Who should pay the bill on first date?
Who should pay the bill on a first date?

單數可數名詞 "date"(約會),前面要有冠詞"a"。

We would never do nothing to hurt them.
We would never do anything to hurt them.

"never" 與 "nothing" 都具有否定意思,把 nothing 改成 anything,避免使用雙重否定

This doesn't look like yours book; it must be her.
This doesn't look like your book; it must be hers.

所有格形容詞 your 後面要有名詞 book,所有格代名詞 hers 後面則不能再有名詞。
hers = her book。

I have no time to run errand for you.
I have no time to run errands for you.

"errand" (差事),是個可數名詞。
He was sent out on an urgent errand.
單數可數名詞前面通常要有冠詞 a/an 或 the (或其他的限定詞,如 my, this, any)。
I will meet you at seven, I have got some errands to do first.
複數可數名詞前面絕對不能有不定冠詞 a/an。

Many a celebrity go by a name other than the one they were given at birth.
Many a celebrity goes by a name other than the one they were given at birth.

"many a" 表示許多,但緊跟在後的名詞"celebrity"要用單數,並使用單數動詞"goes"。

Where is my jeans?
Where are my jeans?

成雙成對名詞前面要是沒有 pair(s) of,得用複數動詞。

從摩天大樓的頂端,Nacy 幾乎看不到街道。
From the top of the skyscraper, Nacy cannot hardly see the street.
From the top of the skyscraper, Nacy can hardly see the street.

"cannot" 與 "hardly" 都具有否定意思,避免使用雙重否定

She looks nicely, ladylike, perhaps, even primly polite.
She looks nice, ladylike, perhaps, even primly polite.

looks 是連綴動詞,只能用形容詞 nice 來修飾。
情態副詞 primly 是由形容詞 prim 加 -ly 形成,prim - “一板一眼的;拘謹的”。
nicely 是副詞,例如: They treated us very nicely. 副詞 nicely 修飾動詞 treated。