2022年8月22日 星期一

揣篇 - 第五段

《鬼谷子 - 揣篇 - 第五段》







【段文關鍵句意 - 中英對照】

All bets are off。A person who can predict the development and signs of things , because he knew " great oaks from little acorns grow".


"When you speak, you need to think about it", which means that you need to look at the timing. The advice is timely, and it can often get the expected or even multiplier effect.

“說話的時候要考慮一下”,意思就是要看時機。 建議及時,往往能得到預期甚至事半功倍的效果。

"The devil is hidden in detail" is a well-known Western proverb. What it means is to remind people not to ignore the details, because things fail, often hidden in some small places that you don't pay attention to. Hidden details are bound to have a negative effect eventually.


From the first small beginnings one can see how things will develop; a straw shows which way the wind blows; from one small clue one can see what is coming; recognize the whole through observation of the part.

蝴蝶效應、知微見著從最初的小事開始,人們就可以看到事情將如何發展; 一根稻草顯示風向哪個方向吹; 從一個小線索可以看到即將發生的事情; 通過觀察局部來認識整體。

【English idiom proverb slang


【all bets are off】

"all bets are off",  means the outcome is unpredictable.


【great oaks from little acorns grow】

The proverb "great oaks from little acorns grow" is similar to "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".


【be bound to】很有可能,肯定會

This project is bound to fail.
