2005年7月2日 星期六

隨興英語(002) - don’t get one's hopes up

【隨興英語 - 002】【 don’t get one's hopes up – 別抱太大希望 】

We use this when we want to talk about a situation in which a person wants something to happen. However, there is a strong possibility it won’t happen, so someone else encourages them to expect that it won’t happen. Here are some example sentences:

Don’t tell Sue you can take her to Disneyland if you’re not sure. I don’t want you to get her hopes up.【不要告訴蘇,你可以帶她到迪士尼樂園,如果你不確定。我不希望你讓她抱太大希望。】

A: Valerie said she’d help me move.
B: Don’t get your hopes up. She always agrees to help people, but then she doesn’t.

【圖: 別對致命的完美抱太大希望 - 那是需要條件的 :http://goo.gl/fqp9ME】